The script.json File

The script.json file contain about script tags for javascript source file. This file are required for creating a theme.


The location of this file is inside a theme directory.

└── view/
 └── [THEME_NAME]/
  ├──  ...
  ├──  script.json
  └──  ...

How It Works

The script.json file processed by SENE_Controller class constructor and outputed by getJsFooter().

Example Usage with JSON String

Here is the example codes for script.json file using json string.

  "<script src=\"{{base_url}}skin/front/js/nprogress.js\"></script>",
  "<script src=\"{{base_url}}skin/front/js/moment.min.js\"></script>",
  "<script src=\"{{base_url}}skin/front/js/moment-with-locales.min.js\"></script>"

The {{cdn_url}} and {{base_url}} Keyword

script.json support {{cdn_url}} and {{base_url}} keyword for replacing value from Seme Framework configuration.