putJsReady Method

The putJsReady method will put (injected) javascript code into document ready block of javascript. This method can be called in controller or in a view as well. This method only work if getJsReady method called inside document ready block in a View Layout.

Basic Usage

Here is the basic usage for putJsReady method from SENE_Controller class.

$this->putJsReady(string $content_location[, array $data]): $this


This method has 1 required parameter and 1 optional parameter.


The $content_location value will be referred to a file name under app/view/THEME/. This value also can contain path prefix of subdirectory before the filename. Learn more about javascript specific view component .


The $data value is an array that contained one or more array key value(s).

Example Usage

Here is the basic example for putJsReady method.

class Home extends SENE_Controller
  public function __construct()
  public function index()

So, the front theme and home_bottom.php layout should be existed on the directory structure.

  └── view/
    └── front/
      ├── home/
      └── home_bottom.php

Full Example with $data usage

Here is the full example for putJsReady method using $data and its content.

└── controller/
| └── home.php
└── view/
 └── front/
  ├── home/
  | ├── home.php
  | └── home_bottom.php
  └── page/
    └── col-1.php

Here is the content of home.php controller file.

class Home extends SENE_Controller
  public function __construct()
  public function index()
    $data = array();
    $data['admin_name'] = 'Daeng';

Here is the content of col-1.php layout file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <?php $this->getJsReady(); ?>

Here is the content of home_bottom.php embedded javascript file.

alert('<?php echo $admin_name?>');

The $data variable that passed into putJsContent method, has been extracted into native variable depending on key name of array.

In this case, the $data['admin_name'] converted into $admin_name if called inside home_bottom.php file.

The putThemeContent, putJsContent, and render method(s) has ability for buffered the html view.